On sight must you rely, at mercy of the currents of this fading world.

Cladmus River lies beyond the whole region of Synestia, from the easternmost of the sands to the west. As of the Nile of Egypt, this river serves as the savior of the barren sands. Along the waters, lies the farms of many. All for the sake of their well-being.

Wild beasts are still existent throughout the dunes, which may hinder people's trip from the cities to the riverstream. Nevertheless, it'll be all worth it. Legends say that the water of Cladmus can bring good fortune for those who drink five sips of it.

Wingless child, consigned to walk the world below. Many are the works Whose natures a duality possess.

Within the vast sands of Synestia sovereignty, lies diverse beasts.

Below are some of Synestia's endemic animals you may find upon your journey.








Benighted child, Chosen, with life so short. Not for you are the words given the Unchosen.

The hierarchy that keeps Synestia strong is undeniably dynastic politics. Having House of Veradisia as their appointed ruling royal House, those in the lineage of the ruling House shall continue to rule above all other. The ones appointed Veradisia were no other than the Blessing Gods themselves, the solidification of Synestia people's obidience of the hierarchy.Below the monarch's position, lies the Senate as the next party in power. The role of the Senate is proven critical, for they must supervise the ruling House's decisions for Synestia. With it, must they provide just and intellect minds for royal discussions with the Veradisia.Dynastic politics are also applied for the Senate members, for those in lineage of the royal Houses only who can be admitted to be members of the Senate. The royal Houses are as listed below.✼﹔ House of Drakos, military affairs
✼﹔ House of Iordanou, science affairs
✼﹔ House of Pallas, domestic affairs
✼﹔ House of Seline, foreign affairs
As of the moment Synestia kingdom becomes an empire, a proper adaption was made for the Senate's members. Every kingdom that's under Synestia empire's jurisdiction must appoint one person to be a part of Synestia's Senate. With that being decided, each of the royal Houses from Synestia only has two seats for to be seated within the Senate monarch.

Right after the Senate, lies the head of EXFOTiA and EXPERiTH. EXFOTiA, Synestia's organization of soldiers. Whereas EXPERiTH is the organization of scientists. Having both science and man power as Her main caliber, it grants both war commander and head scientist some political power―though of course, limited.Under the leaders, is ETHPERiA. Synestia's organization of elite soldiers, one that has higher power than the normal soldiers within EXFOTiA, the so called death squad. Under their leader, yet above their lower graded comrades.The next party in line of power is the members of EXFOTiA and EXPERiTH, the bottom two in line of power. Such position is considered prestigious, no mere commoners can be appointed as soldiers nor scientists.Last but not least, people of Synestia is the end of Her hierarchy. The position of their political power has never faltered the kingdom, since the teachings of the Blessing Gods is always bestowed upon them all. Each of them has their own role to prosper Her, no matter how big or small.None shall heed discrimination among others. Respect and mercy shall reign them all to glory.

Seduced by false illusion, it is the fool who cuts not his own path, celestial glory never to behold.

House of Veradisia, the appointed one by the Blessing Gods to rule over Synestia. This was not done without reason, for the first descendant of Veradisia was the outcome of Their creation.House of Veradisia was created solely to be the only superhumans in Synestia, solely to be the one to maintain order.By the Blessing Gods, Varna is implemented upon Veradisias' bodies. A special substance created by Their greatness, providing exemplary intelligence and power for the mighty House. Within their blood, do Varna flow. Within Varna, do the Blessing Gods set their eternal watch and judgement to the Veradisia.For a great power that the Varna provide for the Veradisia, comes the great price that they must pay.Aside from providing Veradisia descendants with abundant intelligence and power, Varna also provide judgement for the Blessing Gods upon Veradisias' acts in utilizing the Varna's gift. Shall a Veradisia descendant misuse the gift, the said descendant will be tortured in a condemned sickness until the gift earned from Varna disappeared completely. Not only misuse, the same penalty will occur to the Veradisia descendant who choose to not use the Varna's gift for Synestia's deeds.A delicate balance that the Blessing Gods created, all for sake of the fulfillment of Veradisia's role.For the continuance of Veradisia's lineage, the Blessing Gods provide Blossoms of Sahatha. The mentioned flower contains special essence, which has Varna. Those who are chosen by a Veradisia descendant as a worthy spouse, will have the privilege to be a fully pledged Veradisia descendant by drinking Sahatha's essence. Although, not all people can control the Varna's flow within their blood. Only those who are genuinely loved by a Veradisia can truely accept Varna's gift. Thus, providing the reason of why Veradisia is the only one who must control this gift and prevent from falling to the wrong hands.

With a source of massive power, comes the need of massive protection of it. Along with Synestia's Zen Codex, the Blossoms of Sahatha is well kept in a hidden indoor garden―Mikha. Mikha resides within the Veradisia's residence. Only with the face of a live Veradisia descendant, can the entrance to Mikha can be opened. Such intricate protection was created by no other than the Blessing Gods.By using Veradisia's faces as the key to Mikha, it posed great danger for their faces. For once someone knows the face of a Veradisia descendant, the said person is able to use the face to access Veradisia's source of powers. Hence, the necessity for Veradisia's faces to be mainly unknown.Within the Zen Codex, the Veradisia is taught to always conceal their faces with royal face veil whenever they present themselves as Veradisia. They're also obliged to only use their family name and their position ( king, queen, princess, or prince ) whenever they present themselves as royalty. Therefore, people's nescience of knowing a Veradisia having another name.On the other hand, when the Veradisia present themselves not as royalty, they're free from their face veil. With a note that they must address themselves with their front name only, with the absence of their family name.In a way, a Veradisia descendant has two identities. One as a Veradisia, one as a normal person who bares no Veradisia as their family name. Those who know the faces of Veradisia are noted as the most loyal and prestigious people, which are limited to the Synestia's nobles, war commanders, and head scientists. Those who know Veradisias' faces are only those with high positions, those who are given a weaker version of Varna ( called Karanna ) so that Blessing Gods can participate in monitoring their performance and loyalty to Synestia's kindness.

Once Our power did We wield, holding temporal swat over all things great and small.

All hail, Krissala. The noted source of Synestia's might, the one which fueled all of Her might.Created by God of Mercy Herself, all in order to give mercy upon the battlefield leftovers―Synestia lands. In order to give mercy throughout the lands, it requires remarkable force. Thus, comes the Krissala.Synestia is not a kingdom that has magic as Her forte. Despite that, Caelux runs through all of Zerynthia. A life force that flows throughout all lands, an energy that can be used as magic. Without the prowess to master magic, mercy is upon Synestia as Krissala can be used to counter that.With the correct procedure, Krissala can provide a whole lot, just as how Caelux provide those who can wield magic. Even more.With the correct procedure, Krissala can even manipulate the flow of Caelux.

First created by God of Mercy in 846 AC, Synestians first found the Krissala in 847 AC. Although having the Zen Codex to guide them to Krissala's mastery, the Synestians still needed some time to fully wield Krissala's might. Below are the timeline of Krissala's developments.✼﹔ 847 - 867 AC
Krissala's initial identification
✼﹔ 868 - 894 AC
Experiments in using Krissala for industrial machines' and electricity generator pillars' fuel
✼﹔ 895 - 932 AC
Experiments in Krissala's multiplication and preservation
✼﹔ 933 - 1012 AC
Experiments in using Krissala for medicines
✼﹔ 1013 - 1192 AC
Experiments in using Krissala for reverse engineering of Synestia's beasts
✼﹔ 1193 - 1307 AC
Experiments in using Krissala for creating creatures as armies
✼﹔ 1308 - 1443 AC
Experiments in using Krissala for people's longevity
✼﹔ 1444 - 1532 AC
Experiments in using Krissala for weapons
✼﹔ 1532 - 1539 AC
Experiments in using Krissala for Caelux flow disruption